The Desi Massage

Seeking google’s advise for the shortest route is an usual phenomenon for any of us today, particularly in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore where Traffic is Inshallah.. There is lot of luck, bad luck attached to it.

So the other day google redirected me to another route than my usual western Express Highway while returning from Bandra. The lady in American accent suggested to drive through Juhu beach. I quite liked this advise as a change of taste sort, from the day-to-day monotonous drive on WEH. Juhu comes with rows of flashy fashion outlets, beautiful women, sprawling bungalows, expensive cars and rows of 5 star hotels and the ever popular Juhu Beach.

The ballon walas, panipuri wala, the mobile chaai wala, unlimited tourists, between all these dozens and dozens of evening walkers, other side the continuous tang.. tang noise from paao bhaji stalls make the beach quite busy. While driving through the beach I tried to get a glimpse of the place but the car ahead was too close and I missed it.

I have a special attraction to this beach for a completely different feature, that is those small hand held wooden crate carrying young boys. They offer body massage on the beach in a most earthen way at a throw away cost of Rs.100. It is simply unique.

My experience of Massage goes a long way from tiniest villages, cities, hotels, clubs of India to multiple countries. Whichever country I travelled massage was an aim back of the mind after a day long walk through the city streets. But none can beat what you get in Juhu Beach.

Once the massage deal is closed, the boy would instantly make a pillow by piling up some sand, on that a white sheet is laid out, and the client is asked to lie down. A nice cool sensation of the sand passes through the thin cotton sheet and gives a quick freshening to the body and mind as soon as you lie down on the sheet. Above you there is wide sky with blinking stars and there are continuous take-off of flights that keeps you engaged till you feel sleepy or close your eyes with the effect of wonderful massage that is already on. The next 45 minutes is a bliss.

I have an annual visit tagged to this beach for the immersion of Maa Durga. While the huge procession, large trolley trucks would come slowly through the busy roads of Lokahndwala, some of us would quickly drive, park the cars hurriedly, run to the beach and lie in a row for this massage.It is a pure Desi massage with no difficult English names, no terms and conditions, no nastiness. Feels great! Men folks, do try it someday once the Covid mess is over.

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