Sugar was to shower, unfortunately it did’nt

Searched through the large bag and took out the packet of ‘’Nice Time’’ as soon as was out of the departmental store one of the weekends recently. These sugar coated biscuits connect me back to my kindergarten days when Mungli didi would bring a glass full of milk covered by a paper from top and tightened with a rubber band to avoid spillage, and with that would accompany two fine biscuits with a shower of sugar on the top. Bite to this biscuit connects to tons of wonderful memoires of the play school, the bright sun flicking through the school windows, boys and girls playing, running, screaming, bell boy Dinu da, the tall dark dhoti wearing man would pick up the shiny large brass bell and shake fast to announce the tiffin break or closing of the day.

Some tune, some food, some colour, some brands, situations, become integral part of life and they keep throwing back pictures of past periodically. These are priceless. I am sure we all have several such moments tagged in various forms. So this sugar coated biscuit is not just a biscuit, it’s way beyond that.

Took out the first biscuit after sitting in the car and with the first bite I realized it is the same taste, same smell of coconut but the ‘’shakkar ke daane’’ vanished. It was so minimal that I could count.. one two three four, fourteen fifteen..

Mind revolted. Who stole my Sugar?

Quickly checked the email id on the pack and wrote to the maker, you cant do this to me. Where is the sugar? My linkage with the sweet remembrance of kindergarten cannot be delinked like this. Not allowed. Mind protested.

Want my Sugar back.

This afternoon a large carton reached home from Britania, having box full of biscuits, followed by a touching message from the Britania Care team appreciating the feedback.

I am sure Sugar will shower again as it mentions on the pack.
britania #utpalsheartzout #digitalillustration #nicetimebiscuit

Facebook post on 28th August 2021

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