Picnic in Jubilee Park

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This part of the year there used to be a truly cozy family picnic. It would be Bisu, his wife Suprity, their elder son Joy and the cutest younger son Mistu. Over the years two more people added, one of them was Moongli (the short power packed, lively girl who stayed with this family as a household support), other person was Suprity’s one of the sisters, Putul.

On those Sunday mornings Suprity would get busy preparing food that was to carry for picnic. Bisu would get busy with usual weekend household work, and Joy. Joy had an uncontrollable excitement since prior night about this picnic. Over excited boy would run from one room to the other through the door in between. Jump from the bed, would run upto the entrance gate of the house crossing the long garden and return in similar pace and would inform proactively about this forthcoming enjoyment to half a dozen neighbours.

Finally the Sunday arrives and the family leaves for the venue on their Lambretta at around eleven.

Jubilee park in Jamshedpur is one of the spectacular gift by Tata’s and till date it stands as beautiful as was forty years back, with no change anywhere in the whole atmosphere of this enormous park. It in-fact only became better with time.

After a brief walk in search of the right place the family of four would settle down on a mattress brought from home. The polite sun atop, the smell of grass, long rows of tall trees, bright blue sky and a bearable cold weather make four of them feel a warm hug of nature. Joy now is little clueless and sits quietly on the mattress not knowing what’s next. Should he run afar, or be around or just continue to sit one the mattress. Bisu in best of his mood having his family around, so is Suprity. Mistu the little kido is well in control, He is sometime reaching to Bisu’s lap, sometime Suprity’s. Not coming that close to his elder brother and feeling comfortable between dad and mom.

Bisu and Suprity would do some chitchat, would discuss some family matters away from a joint family. Bisu would talk to his sons, cuddle them with love. And slowly would start singing in a low voice his favourite songs of Shyamal Mitra. This was the picnic all about, in it’s subtle form would take place one day in the chilly weekend of January.

After a while Suprity would open the large tiffin carrier and take out the containers one by one and place on the mattress carefully. Joy now gets excited.

Four beautiful souls then indulge into the sumptuous lunch.

With the sun started moving down, chillness in the weather would slowly let its presence feel, each of the little things would get packed and Bisu’s family would get ready for return.

Remembering our loving dad on his Birthday. He must be reading it and smiling afar. I can see😊. You keep well, Bapi. Happy Birthday🎂
