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Word Relationship is understood to its core when your loving buddies whisper Bye in your ears with a broken voice, controlling the tears from rolling down the cheek and you feel a lump in the throat to say good bye. There is loss of words and only an inexplicable sadness covers the whole environment. A common scene most often noticed at the entry of any International terminal. Time when long distance trains rolls. The newly wed young wife, the Mother, the Father, the lover, the sister, and the brother, every other soul wipes their eyes and wave hands to the loved ones with completely down in sadness, and with heaviness in hearts. Longing is painful.

Decades back when Mithu and Rupa’s Father got his usual transfer order after about five years of posting in Jamshedpur, Joy a little boy then, only understood Mithu, his dear friend will shift to some other city. They however continued with the same routine as usual. But..

One morning a large truck stopped at their gate and material started packing and uploading. First the almirahs, then the bed, then sofa, chair, dining table, curtains, cups, plates, clothes, uncle’s scooter everything and everything. And finally the family of four by end of the day visited every families they were closely associated to, to say Goodbye.

Heart realised the Loss then. Mithu and Rupa won’t be seen anymore.

Joy would reach that locked house, would sit in one corner quietly, turn through Rupa’s old school copies, Mithu’s unimportant belongings and touch everything in search of them which were left behind. Little boy kept visiting the locked house secretly to keep his emotion away from getting noticed and it took him a really long time to come out of the terrible sadness of losing his best friend. Emotional downfall was at its lowest point and it gradually revived with time and soothed the little boy’s mind.

A similar sadness shadowed the whole atmosphere just the other day when the news broke of a friend and his family leaving Mumbai.

Joy first ignored the news, and then praised the choice of moving elsewhere for a better life, then was quiet for a while and his mind tried to put a logic, they were already living happily in Mumbai, then why to shift unnecessarily. Then was the dejection. Mouth became tasteless, throat became heavier but Joy controlled. Every other emotion was continuously changing its track and running fast electrifying each of the veins in mind for next few days and kept him preoccupied and fidgety. Mind screamed.. Listen Guys…you all can’t go.. do ya understand?

Heart realised the loss again. This time it is Priyanka & Snehangsu and their loving son. They are my three loving buddies moving to Germany tonight making the eyes moist of a bunch of friends.

Priyanka & Snehangsu, please arrange similar parties far at Düsseldorf. We would spill drinks on the sofa, scream and dance over WhatsApp.

Do well buddies! Love❤️
